When your people believe in their work and have the skills they need, they’ll do everything to ensure your plan succeeds and your business wins.

When your people believe in their work and have the skills they need, they’ll do everything to ensure your plan succeeds and your business wins.

Investing in your people is the way to deliver your winning plan.

The following three questions will help you understand where that investment will be most effective:

  • What skills will we need?
  • How will we need to act?
  • What will inspire us?

Our business coaches are accredited in a range of tools which are used to assess, influence and train your people in these key areas to build knowledge and understanding.

These include:

In Will’s video below, he explains how to do a self assessment using the Everything DiSC tool.

It is about more than just training though and our blended approach to personal development, using the right mix of peer workshops, one-to-one coaching and 24/7 online learning allows us to focus on real issues in your business to develop skills in real time, making a significant contribution to business performance.

Through our EPIC programmes, your team leaders can access a range of tools and online assessments that will not only increase your understanding of how your people behave, but why they choose to act that way. This understanding, combined with our personal coaching and online Personal Development Platform, is a powerful and effective way to develop your people into more effective managers and leaders.

If you would like to discuss building a resilient team, or chat through you staffing concerns, contact our Business Advisory team on 01242 776000, or fill in the enquiry form below.

In the next video, Will explains about toolset, skillset and mindset as part of coaching and training to get the most out of your people to build a high performance team:


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